AHOS 2024
11th Aegean Hematology Oncology Symposium

19 – 22 September 2024

Kos – Kipriotis Village Hotel

Balkan Myeloma Study Group

Dear Colleagues,

It’s a privilege to invite you to the 11th Aegean Hematology Oncology Symposium which will be held on 19-22 September 2024 in Kos, Greece. The Congress is co-organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (School of Medicine) and the Turkish Medical Association of EHOD (Aegean Hematology Oncology Society) under the auspices of the Balkan Myeloma Study Group and the European Hematology Association, “Scientific Working Group MM”.

This meeting is planned to share country perspectives on Hematology Oncology topics between Greek and Turkish Clinicians, to exchange experiences and to create the basis for multi-center, multi-national studies. During the last years, there was a significant progress in the biology of hematological malignancies that led to the development of several novel drugs in the field. More than 30 new regimens have been approved by EMA for hematological malignancies since 2022. The scientific program includes all these data presented by experienced hematologists and it is organized in well-balanced interactive sessions and teaching programs focusing on the needs of Hematology/Oncology Clinicians. This year oral and poster sessions are included again in the program to facilitate the scientific dialogue between Greek and Turkish colleagues and enhance the collaboration between the hematologists of both countries.

We hope that you enjoy the scientific program but also the social program in the beautiful environment of Kos island and we thank you in advance for your contribution in the development of this meeting in order to be even better than the previous AHOS.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Guray Saydam & Evangelos Terpos

Co-Chairs of the Symposium

Organizing Committee

Co-chairs: Guray Saydam & Evangelos Terpos

Scientific secretaries: Eirini Katodritou & Fahri Şahin

Members: Burhan Ferhanoğlu, Maria Kotsopoulou, Charis MatsoukaTheodora, Theodora Psaltopoulou, Sotirios Sachanas, Tülin Fıratlı Tuğlular, Ali Ünal, Eleni Variami, İrfan Yavaşoğlu

Scientific Committee

Co-chairs: Evangelos Terpos & Guray Saydam

Meletios A. Dimopoulos, Burhan Ferhanoğlu, Elisavet Grouzi, Fahri Şahin, Nur Akad Soyer, Argiris Symeonidis, Theodoros P. Vassilakopoulos, Ioanna Sakellari, Mehmet Yılmaz

Abstract Reviewers

Burak Deveci, Panagiotis Diamantopoulos, Nikolaos Giannakoulas, Fahri Şahin, Ozan Salim, Güray Saydam, Evangelos Terpos, Emmanouel Spanoudakis




Click here to download the book of abstracts

General Information


Συνεδριακή αίθουσα ξενοδοχείου Kipriotis Village

Accommodation - Transfer

Ξενοδοχείο Συνεδρίου: Kipriotis Village

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας για πληροφορίες και κρατήσεις δωματίων και μετακινήσεων.

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Abbio png
001-AbbVie-2 png
Abdi-Ibrahim png
003-Anabiosis png
002-Aop png
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Astellas png
Berk Ilac 2
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Deva png
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008-Genesis-1-1 png
GP Pharma
009-GSK png
Hospital Line
Ideogen png
Innovis-1 png
Integris3 png
Lilly-1 png
Neutec png
Nobel png
Onko png
Pharminal 2
rafarm2 png
Roche-1-1 png
Sandoz3 png
015-Sobi-1 png
017-Takeda png
TRP Harm 2
Turgut Ilac 2
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